Stop Distracting OR Career not a BIG enough reason to?

Is it POSSIBLE... in ones CAREER Development and SUCCESS Program... to FORGET to LOOK where one is PLACING their FOOT.. AND SLIP, TRIP and STUMBLE... BECAUSE spend too much time DISTRACTING.. WORRYING about whats going on AROUND them..

Money is not everything but nor is being in the foreclosure belt or the least paid in your profession.

Career Building Power and a bigger salary comes from repeating over and over less distracting affirmations than that.

Could it be best to Stop distracting ON those disempowering chants that come from the most underpaid, overworked, overstressed masses and focus on those enjoying the salary and success you want...

Could it be safer to Stop distracting on how pursuing that 'may' fail for you.. OR.. to concern yourself too much about what people 'may' laugh at... OR what people 'may not' be saying about you..

JUST focus where YOU need to place your FOOT on your NEXT STEP. Stop distraction and you will never miss your footing

FOCUS is just 15 minutes away

But I don't Sell

Yes that's true.. you don't sell.. and thats unfortunate because that is one of the key skills to career building power by those who CHOOSE NOT TO BE among the least paid in their industry.

Could it be time to consider the cost of not selling your value to your collegues, your team, your manager, your user department, your power networks of influence.

NOW unless you love the idea of pushy selling perhaps you may wish to consider further the cost of not learning how to have them buy you and/or to escalate THEIR experience of you?

There are many excellent resources out there but I want to introduce you to three that I have personally inscribed deep into my neuro system now, that were first introduced to me around 2004 by a recruiter from UK, they are
(i) Unlock The Game (Ari Galper)
(ii) Question Based Selling (or QBS... by Thomas A. Freese)
(iii) Buying Facilitation (by Sharon Drew Morgan)

I know.. I know.. THESE are NOT the only resources on consultative, conversational, buying facilitation out there BUT these ARE three 'effective-ways-of-being'... THAT compliment one another to FORM a TIGHT powerful STRATEGIC fit in your PERSONAL MARKETING arsenal... that I CAN help you with right NOW.

Heard... RESPECTED is just 15 minutes away

ARE you the BELL or the DOG

Alex Mandossian

Salvation is automatic... IF you are getting between the salvation process you are impeding the process

For those who INTERVIEW but NEVER sell


P.A.S. by those who
among the least paid
in their industry.

Two DISTINCT models

Employees have the CHOICE of PARTICIPATING in two distinct MODELS

In a nutshell its about an EMPLOYEE choosing to stay caught up in the 'DIVISION-OF-LABOUR' MODEL... instead of expanding as a PLAYER in the COLLABORATION-OF-LABOUR model.

The division of labour is more old style..
the downside is the headlines above... Employee hands over control of their destiny to an employer. It is more parent child relationship. This model works so long as the employee accepts the reality of it...

The collaboration-of-labor model is far more empowering, more freeing, more control of ones own destiny... but will only suit employees keen to develop the right mindset.

The past 11 years has seen a flood of mainstream education come through to address that... SO putting it into practice has been the next step and challenge for most.

Ref#1: HIRING The Best Of The Left-Behind ==> Linked in....
Ref#2: PAY for BELIEFS around "NOT GOOD ENOUGH" ==> AR Forum
Ref#3: Forbes


Be CAREFUL about NOT asking Sufficiently of LIFE and your CAREER

Check out what Morty Lefkoe has to say about
BELIEFS around NOT 'feeling' good enough...

BECAUSE IF you attribute the feeling you FEEL as coming from the OTHER person and 'believe' it is TRUE THEN you will have immense difficulty CHANGING a belief that is hurting you in LIFE and your CAREER.

It makes it very difficult to remove beliefs you BELIEVE come from OTHER's

LOOK at this Flash SWF File...
beliefs.googlegroups email robl715@googlegroups

NOTICE your 'feelings' as she SMILES.... and say..
Thats not true.. its NOT true that this person is sending the 'feeling I feel'.. its ME doing the feelings I feel and believing its true.
This is perhaps more for the guys who may trigger feeling inadequate or less but.. may also affect some gals... especially those who are extreme 'perfectionists' and cannot stop themselves from finding flaw

Your CAREER and workplace will become an increasing theatre of anxiety, fear, hurt and pain IF you fail to overcome this mistake in thinking, seeing, hearing, and feeling... Medication is NOT always the best solution

ASKING of Life and Career is just 15 minutes away

Transitioning to YOUR next level

Okay lets accept for a second that your coaching has paid off and
(1) Your Resume is consistently picked out of talent scanners filter program
Your cover letter is precisely targeted, your certs are being picked up by every filter, your....
(2) Your phone interview slam dunks.. and leads to the next.. and the next.. you easily get through
You are well prepared and you demonstrate that by talking to their specific need with knowledge, credibility and confidence that YOU KNOW you CAN back up all the way
(3) Your hourly rate is always AT market or higher... but never below
You know your worth.. and you know how to position it in the right way with clarity so it is understood.
But now you find you are bogging down..
because your coach has NO IDEA what you ACTUALLY do..

AND just unable to transition yourself into your NEXT level because you are NOT clear how.
.. CISA? CISSP? ITIL? I have no idea what that is says the coach.

TARGETED help is just 15 minutes away